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Email Marketing Is More Important Than Ever - 4 Part Series

Post by Holly Mortimer
May 7, 2020

All too often when I meet with brick and mortar entrepreneursI hear the same thing. “No, I don’t have my customer’s email. I never really thought about it. Aren’t emails dead?”

I’m here to tell you emails are most definitely NOT dead. In fact, email marketing has one of the highest returns on your cash and time investment. For every dollar you spend, you can expect to see a return of approximately $42 over the lifetime of that customer. And that’s for low dollar investments on the client’s behalf.

Imagine sending one email to your list and selling whatever it is you’re offering? Chances are remarkably higher that will happen over posting on social media. Over the next three blogs, I’ll be breaking down why we’re resistant to email marketing and how to overcome that, how to craft emails that get opened and why a small list can actually be really beneficial to your business.

Today, let’s dive into the mindset resistance you’ve got that’s blocking your ability to grow a highly engaged customer database.

Here are the three most common road-blocks to getting started with email marketing.

1.    I don’t have anything interesting to say.

I get it. You don’t want to write boring old emails about the same things over and over again, but guess what? You don’t have to. Your clients are on your email list because they want to be, not because you strong-armed them into it. They think you have something of value to them. Don’t underestimate that. You don’t have to be the most interesting person to EVERYONE. You have to be AN interesting person to your client.

Start writing emails that are just like conversations you’d have with clients if they were in your store. For example, run a restaurant?You might want to send out an email with a weekly feature. Then you can go diving into the ingredients, the regions they come from and why you chose them for this dish.

Or you might want to feature a dish weekly and then create a series on why you opened a restaurant or if you’re brave, some personal stories of your adventures in cooking.

It’s in these deeply personal stories that our relationships with our customers grows.



2.    Sending emails is spammy.

So, there are laws when it comes to asking people for their email address, which means you can’t just find someone’s email and add them to your list. It’s illegal. Which means that when someone is on your list, they WANT to be there. They want to hear from you. It’s your job to create emails that are valuable to your customers/clients.

Take a minute and head into your inbox and see what brands are emailing you and think about why you haven’t unsubscribed from them.

I know I get daily emails from some of my favourite brands and I’ve never felt spammed…because they’re delivering the most valuable content to me. They’ve listened, used click tracking technology and developed an email campaign that isn’t spammy.

Some of them also employ personalization, the simplest way to gain trust with emails. The bottom line is, if your emails aren’t spammy, then there isn’t a chance your customers will feel that way.


3.    The dreaded Unsubscribe.

The final resistance piece I hear from clients is that people will unsubscribe. Do you know what happens when people unsubscribe? One single thing. Your lists decreases by 1.

Your business doesn’t close. You don’t get a sudden pain in your side for every unsubscribe. Nothing horrible happens. So let that go.

Make sure your email service provider settings aren’t alerting you to unsubscribes. That stuff is messing with your mindset.

Instead, get excited that your list is growing with high quality people and not people there just for the deals.

Okay, so now that we’ve talked about overcoming email marketing objections, next week, we’ll talk about subject lines and how they’re the most critical piece to your strategy. Then we’ll move into content and our final blog post will deal with automations and welcome sequences for passive income.

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